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Friday, 13 November 2015

New Art

New Art of my OC, IN ANTHRO FORM!

Time to talk

I tried to practice putting in more emotions into my story, which my critics say I need to do. Also, my latest one was written because this site loves John Cena. I saw a fic with a ton of likes and barely any dislikes that had MLP's Changeling Wedding episodes, but with John Cena coming out of nowhere and beating Chrysalis in a fight. It was awesome! And it made me realize that I can admit how much I truly love John Cena without anyone thinking it's weird. I don't lick posters like the cartoon people do, I just look up to him. He's like Jesus, but better, because he's real and he's an awesome wrestler. John Cena and DBZ were really big things in my life, they helped me get through some really rough times, and John Cena inspired me to keep going while Goku inspired me to get better. Still... I wished more than anything else that I could just forget everything, go to the Dragon Ball world, and become Goku. I wanted to be loved, I wanted to be a hero... That's actually why my main story has a lot of parallels with DBZ, especially the strong male hero with 'Ok' in his name that's actually from an alien race of monsters. I also put in references to DBZA, the best show on Youtube (Pewdiepie can suck it, DBZA is better) because I love that, too. And I love that a fanmade comedy series can get so great, the voice actors get into a real game (THAT I HAVE! I made my OC Oak, he can kick the ass of anything! I need to upload more vids of that to dailymation as proof)

I put a lot of hard work into my stories, even though I'm not a very good writer. I'm not very good at anything, really. English isn't even my first language, and I have an English friend that proofreads my story chapters and helps me read harder-to-understand stuff.

I'm not Goku. I'm not naturally talented at anything. I suck. And I'm aware of that, but I submit my work to the internet because I want to make others feel the way I feel when I see DBZ. I want to create something as great as DBZ. And MLP... When I saw that, I felt like I'd betrayed Goku, because I'd found a world I wanted to go to even more than the DBZ world. I wanted to be friends with Twilight, I wanted to kiss Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie without anyone thinking it's weird that I have a crush on them both, and I wanted to be friends with all the Mane Six, and I wanted to go to live in a wonderful and beautiful world.

And then I saw Naruto, and One Piece, and I realized I don't have to betray Goku. I can fulfil all my dreams in fanfics, while making my fanfics wonderful stories like DBZ and Naruto. I can combine them all and make something new. It might not be the greatest thing ever now, but some day, I'll be the strongest writer in the world, and my stories will be the greatest in the world. That's also why Oak isn't immediately loved by everyone. After saving the world and rising above the hate a bunch of times, the ponies of Equestria will come to love him, and realize he's not the monster everypony thinks he is.

People are saying I'm an arrogant big-headed jerk. They're adding that to the list of reasons I suck, the list that only has three things on it. The jerk thing, this 'Edgy' stigma I've been dealing with for making my character black, and the fact that my stories are nowhere near as good as Fallout Equestria, the most good story I ever read. I probably gave people that impression when I tried to sound cool when giving everyone links to my Oak The Shadow Dragon character on MUGEN and trying to make him sound as awesome as possible-Wait, no, they can't use that excuse, I posted him on mugen sites only. Maybe it's the way I respond to haters? Anyway, I'm sorry, and I need to set the record straight:

I welcome critics. They help me to improve by knowing what I can improve on. And now, I am improving. I even made my first original art recently, anthro art of Oak, but my haters still hated it. But I don't care. A critic on MLPforums told me what I could do to make it better, and he taught me the Colour Theory technique. And I edited my artwork and made it better.
I welcome critics.

Haters, the shallow and stupid people that draw art of my OC being murdered and flood my stories with downvotes despite not leaving a comment so they can hide behind the shield of anonymosity, they need to take an Attitude Adjustment. Both a literal one, and the move named that by the awesome John Cena. And once they take the Attitude Adjustment, they can stop being haters and be better people instead.

I got a lot of heat when I told people I had a Patreon. Even though a fellow brony convinced me to do that. I'm still friends with him, and I'm not selling him out or telling you who it is. It was a good idea, and my haters just hate it like everything else. But I'll rise above the hate. My parents are not in WWE, I've had to work for everything. But I'm not even a wrestler, I'm too young, and I probably won't ever be one. But that isn't my dream anyway, so it's ok. I can't get a job in this country, but I can do this. And some day, it will help out, and prove that I'm right to keep doing this on the internet, making stories and characters and hoping I'll find more friends, and more sites as wonderful as MLPforums.

Thursday, 5 November 2015




I added games to my website, too! If Mugen isn't enough for you, you can play dumb flash games, too! LINK TO THE GAMES PAGE

And if you want to play them at school, you can always save the games onto a USB stick and play that, but you didn't hear that trick from me, ok? :)


I added awesome music to my blog!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

By the way, about Youtube...

Sadly, I do not have youtube any more. I was banned for "Copyright infringement" (Youtube didn't like the intro music SOMEONE ELSE'S character played as it entered the ring, before it was beaten up by my Shadow Dragon) and some stupid VPN glitch.

I have an account on Dailymotion, and you can click here to see my awesome videos, but... I'd like all of my loyal and awesome fans (The disloyal and non-awesome fans can suck it) to download my Shadow Dragon character and record matches of yourself using him in Versus Mode, Survival Mode, Story Mode, whatever you'd like. Show off his amazing power, and his combo ability that rewards skilled players. Put these videos on youtube, and in the description, put a link to my website: Youtube may block me, but they will never stop my Shadow Dragon Army! (That's what I'm calling all my fans. It sounds cooler.)

AND GUESS WHAT? I WILL REWARD the BEST youtubers that show youtube my Shadow Dragon, and my other characters, by featuring them on this blog! Send in your videos by putting links to them on this blog's comments, and I'll feature the best ones every week, ok?

But how do you record mugen? Well, VSDC Free Video Editor is an awesome completely-free video editing software that can edit your videos better than crappy Windows Movie Maker can. It's PERFECT FOR MAKING MLG PARODIES, TOO. But MORE IMPORTANTLY, IT COMES WITH A FREE SCREEN-RECORDER, WHICH IS PERFECT FOR RECORDING MUGEN GAMEPLAY AND PUTTING IT ON YOUTUBE! :D Or you can also use some other screen-recorder, that works too. This one's just my favourite. XD


Turns out, a lot of people, mainly from the Mugen Fighting Guild, found my Test Of The Shadow Dragon so hard, the babies got mad and started spreading lies, saying my Shadow Dragon's password is only unlocked after a survey and my site's full of malware, while also spreading around cheatsheets like it's a video game level harder than their usual Call Of Duty crap. They wanted me banned from that site, and when a corrupt moderator banned me for three days for "Ignoring a Mod's warnings" (What warnings? I log in one morning and find myself banned) they threw a party.

Still, it got me wondering... I gave Shadow Dragon a password and made a test for fans, to make sure only the worthy, smart, and pure of heart can get him. And so far, it's worked amazingly well in keeping out hackers, editers, trolls, and idiots. Only the worthy can use him, and that's the way it should be. Shadow Dragon is, to put it in Harry Potter terms, Gryffindor's sword, and MFG is Tom Riddle's Chamber of Secrets. They're a bunch of elitist jerks that sneer at everyone that isn't in their circlejerk group. Except for one guy with a Lucario avatar, he's cool.

But... In giving Shadow Dragon a password, did I also turn away potential fans that don't have the time or intelligence to pass The Test of The Shadow Dragon? I decided to add in a cheat for these fans, ones that can't pass the test, but still want to enjoy my character and his power. First, it tests your humility, and your willingness to do anything to get what you truly desire, if it means breaking your limits. And then, you must fight your greatest foe: Your own doubt. Should you cheat, like an idiot, or should you complete the Test of The Shadow Dragon the proper way? The choice is yours.

To get the password without beating his test, go to Oak The Shadow Dragon's Download Page and select the new option at the bottom: I Solemnly Swear That I Suck Shadow Spheres.